Biking for balance

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Karin Brown 2 years, 3 months ago.

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    To me one of the best problem solving strategies was actually free thinking time, like what Einstein had at the “Patentamt” in Bern.

    For me the best way to get this is coming to university by bike, not only is it a physical activity, partly within nature, but also it gives me a good feeling to do a little something against climate change.

    I find that ETH should support biking more, like EPFL does. They have a workshop, where you can go if something is broken and not only will they help you fix it, but also they teach you how to do it yourself.

    If anyone thinks that we ETH should support the natural every day sport just like the asvz, then please tell me what you think about a bike workshop?


    Karin Brown

    Hi Vivian
    Cool idea! I like how you are encouraging a more holistic approach to learning, by considering the needs of the body, not just the mind.
    Let’s see what others think.



    Riding your own bike to ETH is better then drinking two coffees. ??
    If your aim is to get more people to go to ETH by bike, it could be helpful to make a larger frame for the solution. There are probably also other reasons why there are so few students that use their bike, that could be tackled.



    I love the idea. Would be motivated to help making it happen.


    Karin Brown

    Great! Hope to see you both at the Kick-off event on October 5th. Don’t forget to register.



    I’d love to contribute to this idea as well. In my bachelor university, bike is the primary transport method, but now in Zurich the major reason for me to quit using bikes is simply: too expensive.
    I have been looking for second-hand advertisement, but that’s too troublesome. I’m not sure if there is a second-hand bike recycle & repair department somewhere, but I think with a student population which has large mobility, this would be useful.



    What if ETH implemented its own bike share program? I think there is already one for electric bikes between campuses. But now there could also be a place for exchange students, international students, or those who don’t want to bother buying an expensive bike to rent a simple bike from ETH for a longer term like a semester or a year.

    It would also be nice if the campuses provided a free bike repair station, something like this:



    Hi all,
    Karin here (project leader for Student Innovedum). It’s very exciting to see an idea gain traction and for all this discussion to be occurring! Please keep in mind that all ideas need to be clearly linked to teaching and/or learning at ETHZ.

    So my question to you is…. how will you convince an audience of lecturers that your idea is important for learning? (See this as a challenge and not as a critique).

    Hope to see you all at the kick-off on October 5th! Register here.


    Vivian Hauss

    We actually achieved to make the Velowerkstatt happen.
    Twice per week it is open at HG in the TöGA, we have all the tools to make your bike great again.
    Come check it out:


    Karin Brown

    That’s great news! I saw your poster last semester.

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